needed: Baby Sweaters or Baby Jackets with Hoods (6
to 24 months), Dark Bath Towels, Dark Hand Towels, Mild Soap (like Dove or Ivory), Baby Sleepers (6 to 24 Months), Baby Socks and Baby Shirts.
We usually meet the third Friday of every month at 10:00am
to put together health kits, layettes, & school kits.
Come join us!
We are always looking for donations of items for the different kits we put together.
This is an ongoing mission.
Personal Care Kits: bath towels (dark colors), bars of soap, toothbrush w/cover, sturdy combs, metal nail clippers.
Baby Care Kits:
cotton t-shirts, sleepers without feet, receiving blankets, cloth
diapers, sweater w/cap or hood, socks, bars of gentle soap (ivory),
diaper pins.
School Kits: 70-sheet lined notebooks, 30-centimeter rulers, manual pencil sharpeners, blunt scissors, #2 pencils w/erasers, ballpoint pens, 16-24 count box crayons, drawstring backpack (no logos).